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Wombat Web3 Summer of Fun — Week 3!

Escrito el 09-08-2023 por
Visualizaciones 98

Wombat Web3 Summer of Fun — Week 3!

Hi Wombat Family!

Our Summer of Fun is halfway through, but don’t be sad — there are plenty more surprises and awesome activities waiting for you. Some of this stuff we will be doing for the first time ever, so you definitely want to be around for week 3 😉

We’re kicking it off on Monday, June 19th with all this awesome stuff planned.

June, 19th. Comedy contest + 24-hour stream (Adrian, Mad, Olga)

June 21–22nd. The War Alliance Tournament.

There will also be a couple of announcements to keep an eye out for — so stay tuned for those too!

Join The Wombat Family!

Our team and other community members will be happy to discuss all things blockchain gaming, NFTs, blockchain, games and whatnot. Come say hi on:


Wombat Web3 Summer of Fun — Week 3! was originally published in Wombat Blog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.