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What is the Wombat Ambassador Program?

Escrito el 09-08-2023 por
Visualizaciones 94

The Wombat Ambassador Program is an exclusive program for our most engaged friend referrers and offers unlimited earning opportunities. Simply refer 10 real people to the Wombat App to become eligible.

How it works

  1. To become eligible, you must refer 10 actual people to the Wombat app from selected countries (see countries below). We deduct anyone who has been banned for multiaccounting. Your account is upgraded within 1 week after the 10th person you invite registers on the app. Look out for a welcome email to join the Wombat Ambassador group on Telegram
  2. Join the Wombat Ambassador Telegram group so you don’t miss out on any campaigns and formally join the ambassador program. Payout will happen once every month in $WOMBAT tokens. Refer as many people to Wombat as you can each month to get your share of $WOMBAT.
  3. Referral kickbacks will be paid based on the country where the people that you acquire come from. We will pay US$0.60 for every user from US, UK, DE, and US$0.20 for CA, AU, CH, FR, AT, FI, NO, SE, DK, NL, BE, IT, ES and NZ. Make sure you have a Polygon address created in your wombat wallet to get your $WOMBAT (token) payouts.
  4. To encourage you further we are giving you the opportunity to get a 1.5x Boost on your total payback once you get to 50 eligible referrals within a month. Please keep in mind that the referral needs to be in the countries shown above but you as referee do not need to be in said countries.

Join The Wombat Family!

Our team and other community members will be happy to discuss all things blockchain gaming, NFTs, blockchain, games and whatnot. Come say hi on:


What is the Wombat Ambassador Program? was originally published in Wombat Blog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.