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WAX Blockchain Unleashed: NFT World Cup’s Multi-Dimensional Contest

Escrito el 09-08-2023 por
Visualizaciones 204

This article is published on behalf of IntraVerse / NFT World Cup Tournament

After the huge success of the first edition, the NFT World Cup 2023 is back and it’s going to be bigger than ever! This time, also adding the WAX blockchain to the available chains, opening the doors for WAX projects to join the action!

Integrating WAX Blockchain will revolutionize this tournament, attracting a thriving gaming community and propelling it to new heights.

With 32 different NFT projects participating, the NFT World Cup provides a thrilling competition where Web3 communities can battle in a fighting game and take on various social quests. The competition is free-to-play, and we welcome all NFT enthusiasts to compete for supremacy, fighting for their favorite projects!

The best part? Round after round the prize pool will be used to sweep the floor of the projects, depending on their results, and those NFTs will be redistributed to the best players!

The WAX Fam ecosystem is already buzzing with excitement as outstanding projects like Taco, Aphelium, Novopangea and Outlaw Troopers (FGL) have already joined the tournament!

Thanks to our sponsors: Polygon, DappRadar and Taco

The hybrid dynamic of this tournament led to impressive numbers for their first edition: 200,000 game sessions, 3,000 players and 9,500 Tweets.

For the next one there will be the support of strong names like: Polygon, DappRadar, Zeneca and many others!

Thanks to Intraverse, all NFT avatars come to life, transforming each partner project into a playable character for the fighting game.

The NFT World Cup 2023 will kick off on 27th August 2023, if your games, collections, or projects wish to participate in the next edition, simply apply through the provided form.

Joining the competition is simple: as soon as the event launches, anyone can participate. Just choose one of the 32 available avatars and earn points to strive for victory.
For those extra competitive players who actually own the NFT from the project they play as in the game, multipliers will boost their scores.

The main game features a “Street-fighter” style gameplay, where players select their avatars and engage in exciting 1vs1 battles. Both PvP and PvE game-modes are available, and each player’s victories will contribute to the score of the project related to their chosen avatar. For a full breakdown of the rules, check out this link!

Beyond the battles, participants can also boost their scores through the Social Score System, where quests are available to earn additional points.

The event starts on 27th August 2023, with alternating days of fighting and social activities. During the break days, winning projects and their communities have the chance to strategize and form alliances, gaming guilds, or launch social media campaigns to advance to the next round.

Are you part of an NFT project? Don’t miss the chance to be featured in the NFT World Cup! Collections and games can apply to join the competition by clicking on the provided link.

Each participating project will donate 0.3 ETH to the organization, with 0.25 ETH going to the prize pool and 0.05 ETH covering operational costs. It’s an opportunity for your project to shine and gain recognition in the vibrant NFT community.

Don’t miss this amazing opportunity to be part of the action, leave your mark in the NFT community and get rewarded with your favorite NFTs.
Let the games begin!

Join the NFT World Cup Tournament!

Project Sign-Up | Rules | TwitterWebsite

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The content contained in community posts is solely the authors’ responsibility and is not independently verified by WAX. We can in no way validate the authenticity or the accuracy of this content to any third-party properties’ respective cannon. Readers are encouraged to do their research to confirm any and all information featured in community posts. WAX makes no representation and assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of information found in community posts or its suitability for any purpose whatsoever.

WAX Blockchain Unleashed: NFT World Cup’s Multi-Dimensional Contest was originally published in WAX.io on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.