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New Profile Page On WaxDAO

Escrito el 19-02-2024 por
Visualizaciones 101

WaxDAO has just released a new profile page for users.

NFT Gallery preview


Let’s talk about some of the key features on this new page.

NFT Gallery

Users are now able to choose up to 60 of their favorite NFTs, and show them off in a public gallery.

When users browse WaxDAO and see your gallery, the NFT metadata will be stripped, and all they will see is a collage of pictures/videos highlighting your favorite NFTs.

To set up a gallery, simply go to your WaxDAO wallet, select your favorite NFTs (bonus tip: they will be displayed in the order you select them, so you can customize the layout), and then click “Gallery” from the “Bulk Actions” drop down.

Bulk actions menu on wallet page

After you click “Gallery”, you will see a preview of your new gallery, and you will also see a message asking you if you want to save the gallery to your profile. If you choose to do so, it will ask you to sign a transaction, and your gallery will be saved.

Back NFTs With Any Token

Another new feature you may notice is the ability to back NFTs with any token, not just WAX.

We’ve launched a new open-source NFT backing contract in collaboration with EOSUSA and NeftyBlocks.

This contract not only allows users to back NFTs that they own, but NFTs that other users own as well. But don’t worry — we’ve designed this in a way that backing other people’s NFTs does not pose any risk to blends failing, etc.

To back your own NFTs, simply go to your wallet page and select the NFTs you want to back. Then click “Back” in the “Bulk Actions” menu, choose the token you want to use, and back the NFT.

To back someone else’s NFTs, you can go to their public profile page and do the same thing.

Farms, Blends, Etc

You can also now easily view all farms, blends, drops, unbox links, and DAOs that a user has created by going to their profile page.

Unlike the old UI where you would see a bunch of giant sections for each of these things, now they are organized into neat little tabs.

Profile page tabs

Report Issues Or Suggest Features

As this is a new page, there are bound to be a few improvements needed. If you run into any issues or would like to request a new feature, don’t hesitate to contact us on Telegram or Discord.

New Profile Page On WaxDAO was originally published in waxdao on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.