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Everything new in Season 13 of Dungeon Master!

Escrito el 03-10-2023 por
Visualizaciones 138

Edit: The Vault boost display will be added to the game’s frontend later into the season.

Hello Dungeoneers!

We’re already at Season 13 — time sure flies! We didn’t have any huge updates for this one, but still, we’re sure that small tweaks and new content we’ve set up will make you happy.

New collections

Boy oh boy, do we have awesome new NFT collections for you to stake! This time, Funko joins the chat with some of their iconic titles, along with other prominent creators on WAX. The full list includes:

  1. thehiphopdog
  2. upland.cards
  3. social.funko
  4. scooby.funko
  5. got.funko
  6. ultraman.bk

We’ve also got an exciting new collab for you! cn2creations had crafted a special Wombat token — find those in your Dungeon Master reward chest and splash them with some color that you can get off Neftyblocks.

But wait, there’s more!

We have built a little something for the Vault — if you put your rewards there, you should be able to see your boost in the Settings. We have also updated MP for Wombat Reverties — the Small Wombybank now has an MP for 1333 and the Large one was boosted all the way to 4000 MP.

We hope these made your first dungeon runs of Season 13 a little bit brighter — now go and get that amazing loot!

Join The Wombat Family!

Our team and other community members will be happy to discuss all things blockchain gaming, NFTs, blockchain, games and whatnot. Come say hi on:


Everything new in Season 13 of Dungeon Master! was originally published in Wombat Blog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.