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Acryptia x Alien Worlds Battles: Syndicate Edition

Escrito el 22-11-2023 por
Visualizaciones 82

Alien Worlds Community during Acryptia’s off-season.

Prepare for two compelling events, each boasting a prize pool of 30,000 TLM. The top 30 players from each event will earn an exclusive Syndicate branded Skin.

Let’s delve into the details of the Acryptia Boss Battles: Syndicate Edition.

Syndicate Edition

Following the phenomenal success of our previous seasons, which saw over 120,000 TLM and more than 150 exclusive NFTs awarded, we’re set to make waves once again!

In each new series, the significance of Alien Worlds Syndicates grows. Initially, they had the chance to distribute Alien Worlds Gems to their community members.

Then, In our second series, each Syndicate was tasked with selecting a Captain to represent them in competition against other Syndicates, vying for the opportunity to win exclusive, Syndicate-branded skins.

In this third series, the focus shifts to fostering a sense of camaraderie and competition within each Syndicate. Members will engage in friendly rivalry, competing against each other on a leaderboard, while we introduce Syndicate Gems and new branded Skins to bolster Syndicate identity and awareness.

Syndicate Gem Blend

From left to right: Naron, Kavian and Magor Gems
From left to right: Neri, Eyeke and Veles Gemsw

📅 On November 22nd, players can craft their Syndicate Gems using 1 Alien Worlds Gem and 1 Crafting Item of any rarity, choosing from six available Syndicate Gems.

ℹ️ All Gems will grant access to the event.

The blend begins at 16:00 UTC, with a whitelist feature

  • Season 4 Gold Medal owners get 5 minutes of early access.
  • After 5 minutes, the blend becomes public.
  • Note: 150 Gems will be available from the blend.

🔗 Blend link: https://neftyblocks.com/collection/taco/blends/blend.nefty/32478

Event Rules & Kick Off


Participants need to stake a Syndicate Gem to join. Once staked, players earn Event points by playing Acryptia. Each game contributes to the collective task, helping players climb the Boss Battle leaderboard.

At the event’s conclusion, players will receive a share of the total prize based on their event points. Remember, using Skin Sets boosts your event points!

Each A2 Boss Battle features a total prize of 30,000 TLM, and the top thirty players will win an exclusive Skin branded after an Alien Worlds Syndicate.

📅 First event starts on November 23rd at 11:00 UTC.

Some of the new Syndicate branded Skins!

📆 Syndicate Edition Calendar

November 22rd: Syndicate Gem Blend
November 23rd: Event 1 Kick Off
December 4th: Event 1 Ends and Prize Distribution
December 5th: Event 2 Kick Off
December 18th: Event 2 Ends and Prize Distribution

Thanks for Reading

We extend our gratitude to the Galactic Hubs for supporting Acryptia and the Taco community once again, aiming to create engaging gaming experiences on the WAX chain.

Don’t forget to follow Acryptia and Alien Worlds on social media for the latest updates!